Balance- og høreproblemer forårsaget af forstyrrelser i det indre øre er almindelige, men skjulte handicap. Öre-sund vil med teknologi sørge for bedre udredning, behandling og rehabilitering af borgere med disse lidelser.
It is estimated that one in six Danes suffers from hearing loss that requires treatment, while half of those aged 80 or older have experienced or are currently experiencing dizziness. Loss of hearing and balance affects daily activities and leads to reduced functionality, an increased risk of falling, social isolation, and loss of employment ability. The consequences can include depression and dementia, and the socio-economic impact is significant. What hearing loss and balance problems have in common is that they are both hidden impairments, rarely curable with medication or surgery, and both senses are located in the inner ear. Patients with inner ear disorders enter the healthcare system through several pathways. Some are referred to audiologists, ear, nose and throat specialists or neurologists, while others enter the emergency room. They often experience long wait times and can be bounced between different medical specialties, as determining the cause of dizziness can be challenging.
In collaboration with the largest hearing aid manufacturers and a research group across specialties and countries, Sweden, Norway and Denmark, Öre-sund will use telemedicine and advanced technology to help the growing group of patients with these hidden disabilities. This will include remote adjustment of hearing aids and faster diagnosis of patients with vertigo using video glasses. The Öre-sund project will also explore how patients use these new technologies and assess their impact on quality of life. The advantages and disadvantages of the technologies will be analyzed, also from a health-economic perspective, including healthcare costs, service consumption, and the patient experience.
- Øre-, Næse-, Halsafdelingen, Sjællands Universitetshospital
- Avdelningen för Otorhinolaryngology, Huvud och Halskirurgi, Sahlgrenska Universitetssjukhuset
- Öron-näsa-halsmottagning, Skånes Universitetssjukhus, Lund
- Haukeland Universitetssykehus
- Reumatologisk afdeling, Sjællands Universitetshospital
- Hörselverksamheten, Habilitering och Hälsa
- Balansemottagningen, Skånes Universitetssjukhus, Lund
- Medicinsk afdeling, Sjællands Universitetshospital
- Audiologimottagningen, Skånes universitetssjukhus
- Akutafdelingen, Sjællands Universitetshospital
- Akutmodtagningen, Skånes Sjukhus Nordvest, Helsingborgs Lasarett
- Neurologisk Afdeling, Sjællands Universitetshospital
- Lunds Universitet
- Billeddiagnostisk Afdeling, Sjællands Universitetshospital
- Högskolan Kristianstad
- Forskningsenheden i Staben, Sjællands Universitetshospital
Projektet er medfinansieret af den Europæiske Union