Bridging Safe Elderly Care

The innovative research project ‘Bridging Safe Elderly Care’ aims to improve communication, continuity, and safety during transitions for elderly patients with multiple health conditions, both within the hospital setting and between the hospital and home, through new health technology. This Danish-Swedish initiative seeks to reduce hospital readmissions and minimise errors, benefiting patients, families, and healthcare systems alike.

More elderly and multi-diseased in the future
An increasing number of elderly people in the population in both Denmark and Sweden means more elderly people with illness and, not least, more people with multiple diseases.
The Danish-Swedish project aims to reduce hospital readmissions of elderly people with multiple diseases and reduce errors for the benefit of both citizens, relatives and the healthcare system.

Important information is lost in transitions
Some readmissions can be avoided if sufficient and correct information is better communicated in transitions between hospital departments and/or between hospital and municipality/home. Inadequate sharing of health information can lead to, for example, disease exacerbations and complications, errors in treatment and longer hospitalization.

Digital solution for caregivers
In the project, a digital solution for the patient record system SP is being developed together with the other partners. The solution will, in a clear way, ensure the availability of relevant patient data/information for caregivers and provide the opportunity to identify which multi-sick citizens are expected to have a high consumption of healthcare services. This means that we can take the right actions in a more timely manner, reducing readmissions and resources.

Med i projektet
Lise Karup Pedersen Project Manager
Kim Bay Nielsen Controller
Pia Bækvang Villumsen Communications Consultant
Support program Interreg Öresund-Kattegat-Skagerrak
Project duration 01.10.2023-30.09.2026
Project budget 1.575.229 EUR


  • Zealand University Hospital, Køge, Medical Department
  • Zealand University Hospital, Roskilde, Cardiology Department
  • IQVIA Denmark
  • Lund University, Computational Science for Health and Environment (COSHE)
  • Region Skåne, Geriatric Department, Helsingborg Hospital
  • Region Skåne, Ängelholm Hospital
  • Region Skåne, Skåne North-West Hospital
  • The Research Department, Zealand University Hospital